Who are we ?

the kingdom of lecki

Lecki Kingdom Breeding & Grooming - Since 2016

lecki of lake episy Dog breeders passionate about the English Cocker Spaniel breed originating from the Boulonnais countryside (Pas-de-Calais), we are now established in the town of Millam (Nord) with the ambition of raising our dogs with passion and respect for animal welfare in a family environment on a human scale.

With a few litters per year registered with the LOF, we carry out above all a rigorous selection of our marriages according to several criteria, all this on an exclusively beauty line. All of our breeders are tested and healthy from the genetic diseases of the breed.

We participate in numerous dog exhibitions and beauty contests in France and abroad in order to have the quality of our dogs recognized by the public.

We are constantly improving...

  • Since 2019, we have been able to offer you complete grooming for your dog at our breeding facility. We can perform hair removal, preparation for an exhibition or even a "discovery" grooming for a puppy.
  • In 2022, we started breeding our second breed: the Labrador Retriever . This magnificent breed will join that of the English Cocker Spaniel .
  • In 2023, we launched our own online store to allow you to offer the best to your pet, all at a low price! The store has a loyalty program . We started with around fifty references. Our product range will gradually expand.
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The English Cocker Spaniel Breed

The English Cocker Spaniel appeared in France at the end of the 19th century, it became very popular at the end of the 1970s, we can speak of a "cocker boom".

It is part of group 8 in the FCI classification, it is a game flusher and a brushwooder. Brambles do not scare it! It is used in particular to hunt woodcock, which is called "woodcock" in English, hence its name which has become "cocker".

The English Cocker Spaniel is naturally cheerful, gentle and affectionate. We can say that he exudes the joy of living, he will always be ready to play the clown to attract your attention and make the gallery laugh.

He is a very sensitive being. He adores his master, is overflowing with tenderness towards him and never leaves his side. We can even say that he is a "glue pot"! He is an excellent actor perfectly capable of using his famous "Cocker eyes" to charm you with the sole aim of trying to soften you up and achieve his ends.

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The Labrador Retriever Breed

Sometimes he is called "The dog of the Presidents of the Republic" since Queen Elizabeth II gave one to Valéry Giscard d'Estaing in the mid-1970s.

This has undoubtedly contributed to making it known, but it is above all its qualities that make it still one of the favorite dogs in many countries, particularly in Great Britain, the cradle of the breed. In France, it has stabilized with a little over 7,000 registrations in the LOF per year, and this for several years.

It is a dog that is round and gentle all over, both in its shapes and in its character, which does not prevent it from being a real athlete.

His kindness, his desire to serve his master, his need to please and his many qualities (memory, flair, ease of adaptation, etc.) make him a wonderful hunting dog as in his origin and companion, but also notably a guide dog for the blind, assistant to the handicapped, auxiliary to customs officers, auxiliary to rescuers, tracker, etc.

Medium-sized, it is a powerful, athletic and enduring dog. Its education is rather easy, within everyone's reach. The permitted colours are black, yellow (sand to dark fawn) and brown.

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To learn more about our activities and our breeding, visit our breeder website

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"We thank you very much for your visit to our online store! Hoping that our products bring satisfaction to your dog, we wish you all the happiness possible with your four-legged companion.

Thank you for your trust. Respectfully, Sébastien GUIRAUD "